
A facelift surgery (technically known as rhytidectomy) can’t stop this aging process. What it can do is “set back the clock,” improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck. A facelift procedure can be done alone, or in conjunction with other procedures such as a forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping.

Am I a candidate for a facelift?

The candidate for the best facelift results is a man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag, but whose skin still has some elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well-defined. Most patients are in their forties to sixties, but facelifts can be done successfully on people in their seventies or eighties as well.

You can reduce your risks by closely following Dr. Gunn’s advice both before and after surgery.

A facelift surgery (technically known as rhytidectomy) can’t stop this aging process. What it can do is “set back the clock,” improving the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck. A facelift procedure can be done alone, or in conjunction with other procedures such as a forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or nose reshaping.

Am I a candidate for a facelift?

The candidate for the best facelift results is a man or woman whose face and neck have begun to sag, but whose skin still has some elasticity and whose bone structure is strong and well-defined. Most patients are in their forties to sixties, but facelifts can be done successfully on people in their seventies or eighties as well.

You can reduce your risks by closely following Dr. Gunn’s advice both before and after surgery.

What to expect during a facelift procedure

Facelifts are very individualized procedures. In your initial consultation, Dr. Gunn will evaluate your face, including the skin and underlying bone, and discuss your goals for the surgery. Having a facelift doesn’t stop the clock. Your face will continue to age with time, and you may want to repeat the procedure one or more times-perhaps five or ten years down the line. But in another sense, the effects of even one facelift are lasting; years later, you’ll continue to look better than if you’d never had a facelift at all.

woman facelift

Contact Dr. Laura Gunn today for a consultation. She will provide answers to any additional questions you may have. The initial consultation with your surgeon is very important. The surgeon will need your complete medical history, so check your own records ahead of time and be ready to provide this information.

Visit the Photo Gallery for images of some of Dr. Gunn’s patients.

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